Are you unhappy with our care? Please let us know! Hopefully we can find a solution to the problem together. If this is not possible, there is the complaints procedure.
Discuss your complaint
If you are unhappy or if you have a complaint about a midwife, we would greatly appreciate if you discuss this with the midwife or with one of her colleagues. There could be an issue of miscommunication which can be solved with a conversation. If it is not possible to talk to us or if a discussion was not sufficient, you can place a complaint to the complaints officer of the CBKZ (Centraal Bureau Klachtenmanagement in de Zorg). You can also submit your complaint to the complaints officer if you need help with submitting a complaint.
Complaints Officer
The complaints officer of the CBKZ will decide on the validity of the complaint. The complaints officer will handle complaints independently and may make recommendations to us regarding the situation. The CBKZ bases its work on hearing both parties and has a duty of confidentiality. It does not make judgments on liability or compensation.
Please contact a complaints officer via klachtverloskunde.nl
The midwife, possibly together with the complaints officer, will try to handle your complaint within six weeks. You will receive a message from us within this period about what we have done with your complaint.
If the midwife and the mediation of the complaints officer do not resolve the issue, you can submit your complaint to the Geschilleninstantie Verloskunde. This independent organization investigates and assesses whether the complaint is well-founded. It makes a binding decision on this.
For more information, visit the website of the Geschilleninstantie Verloskunde