In response to the latest information from RIVM and the changes to the measures in the country with regard to the coronavirus, our professional organization, the KNOV, is making new recommendations for medically responsible safe care. The current adjustment of the measures ensures that obstetric care meets the needs of our clients better. We hereby inform you about new measures in our practice, as of this week:
We are able to offer everyone an early ultrasound again at eight weeks of pregnancy, regardless of medical indication. We will contact our clients to schedule an appointment.
We will discuss your questions and provide you with any necessary information during your check-up at the practice. This means that the telephone consultation prior to the appointment will be canceled. We try to keep 1.5 meter distance as much as possible and strictly adhere to the hygiene measures. We keep asking pregnant women to come alone to the appointments. So, unfortunately, without a partner, children or others.
We kindly request you to wash or disinfect your hands when you arrive at the practice. In the waiting area you will find dispensers with hand sanitizer that you can use. In Buitenveldert you will find this dispenser in the consulting room.
The current check-up interval is maintained. We only do check-ups at the practice that are medically necessary. At 23 and 33 weeks of pregnancy you will receive an additional appointment for a consultation by phone. We will send you this appointment by email. If the scheduled time does not suit you, we kindly ask you to contact our assistant, so we can change the appointment right away.
When you have a check-up appointment, we still ask you to check in advance whether you are having symptoms of the flu/cold, or whether you may have had risk contact with an infected person. If that’s the case, don’t come to the practice. If you have an appointment with us, we request that you contact the assistant by telephone or email. In each situation, we will find a solution in the care you need.
During the first week after the delivery we will come for a postpartum visit once, if desired. The other visits, as we did in recent times, are done by telephone as much as possible or by video calling with FaceTime or Zoom. We will ask you what you prefer.
We would like to let you know that it is important to contact us with any questions when you are unsure or worried. Do not wait when you have concerns, but call the practice or our emergency number.
We would like to ask you to keep checking our news updates via our website in the near future. When there is relevant information from our practice again, we will inform you here.